Monday 26 December 2011

Up Up Up snd away.....

LittleRaf has embarked on his first holiday abroad this week, we flew off to mommy's home town of South Africa to spend the holidays with the family.  What to pack for a little man that eats so much and such a diverse diet, well this is what we had in LittleRafs bag:

  • Chicken and sweetcorn soup ( will post this recipe soon)
  • 1 Apricot
  • 2 MommyS falafels (will post this too)
  • 1 peach
  • small tub of rice snacks (organic- happy baby)
  • small ziploc of dried cranberries, cherries etc.
  • 1 yoghut
  • 1 cheese stick
  • water
  • 4x 240ml bottles of formula
Apart from eating most of this littleRaf ate my aeroplane food too...the veggies only sweetpotatoe mash and peas, together with my bread roll and the bread roll of the passenger sitting next to me.  He drank alot of water,aswell as spilling it all over my seat , which resulted in mommy travelling with a wet bum for most of the trip.
Sydney, Johannesburg is a very long flight, it was our first flight together which proved to be a big adventure and at the same time pure torture when we reached the final 3 hrs of the flight.  LittleRaf seemed to be content throughout the entire flight, we walked up the isles, we splashed water in the bathroom (apologies for any qantas staff reading this), we ate our snacks, watched our dvd's and played with our toys.  However when the little guy awoke from his final sleep we looked at me with this look of desperation and as if to say "i can't believe we are still here mom!", he let out the biggest shreak and it was all down hill from there.  No amount of dancing singing water splashing could satisfy.

Apart from feeling utterly stressed and irritated myself, I couldnt help but notice the look that older more travelled passengers give you when your child is crying.  That look that surely you could move away from them whilst you settle outside, perhaps I should of stepped outside for just a second, in that way granny dear could have had her cat nap in peace.  It doens't end there though, there is of course the lonely female traveller, clearly single with no children who turns her head with every squeel your child makes and stares you up and down when they're crying hoping that you can silence your kid, because her head phone volume is at its max and she can still here your darling or the airline staff who thinks your son hasnt' slept sufficient according to his career experience. 

LittleRaf was teething as well.....which only made it more difficult than ever.  I have always and will always take the homeopahtic route with him, when it comes to medication.  This is achievable and has been successful in the past, however when you find yourself locked in the aeroplane bathroom, wanting to cry yourself with a screaming child, childrens Nurofen sneaks out your bag.  It was my only saviour at the time and the only think that calmed him down for the rest of the flight.
So before you get on don't forget to take the meds you usually use, you never know when they will come in handy.

We survived and arrived to lots and lots of family members, LittleRaf is such a happy camper....loving all the attention and love, don't think he as ever smiled as much as he smile here in sunny South Africa.

A very special thank you to our friend MummyL and baby Bibi who lent us their Ergo baby carrier, it was my only salvation walking through the airport! big big kisses to you both.

Monday 12 December 2011

Cajinha da Vóvó ( Granny's chicken soup)

Age appropriate: 5mnths +


  •  Can feed the whole family
  •  Remove some of the stock and freeze for future dishes that require stock

It has many medicinal properties to it, it is always used to fix a cold, to heal a sensitive tummy but in my in my family it was the staple for filling a child's tummy.   I ate it so often as I child and have very vivid memories of telling my mother with tears welled up in my eyes that when i was older I would never, ever, ever eat another spoon of chicken soup!  That was until vôvô Joao (my grandad) convinced me it tasted better with a drop of red wine in it.  I know what you thinking "what the fudge?", you have to understand to my grandfather- a portuguese man, everything tasted better with wine.  All I chicken scan say is don't knock it off until you try it, I like it quiet a bit and cant help drop a bit of wine everytime I eat my chicken soup.  BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DROP TH E MERLOT ONLY IN YOUR PLATE, NOT IN BUBS......!otherwise you may have D.O.C.S knocking at your door.  Hope you enjoy my grannies chicken soup.

What you will need:

1 small chicken (whole)
1 tomatoe (whole)
1 onion 
Some pasta (stellini - little stars shapes)
Handful of shallots
1-2 carrots
2 tbsp of olive oil.

  1. Start by heating the olive oil in the pot add onion chopped into 1/4 pieces.
  2. Place chicken in the pot, together with the tomatoe and carrots.
  3. Pour boiling hot water over the chicken until covered and bring to the boil.
  4. Allow this all to cook really well, continue to add water if needed.
  5. Generally I cook the chicken until it starts to come away from the bone.
  6. Before doing anything else at this stage, I remove some of this broth which the chicken has been cooking in and place it in individual ice trays to make cubes of chicken stock for other dishes.  This is a great and natural way to make chicken stock, which is salt free and much healthier for baby as well as the rest of the family.
  7. Remove the chicken from the pot, and slowly start to remove all the chicken from the bones.
  8. Place the chicken meat back into the stock.  If you prefer chicken soup with shredded chicken you can proceed to add more water and take back to the boil.
  10. You can now add the shallots or add them before blending process if you want it all blended together.
  11. Turn the heat off, add in the little pasta shapes , place the lid on the pot and allow to stand for 30mins (this will cook the pasta).

Serve and enjoy bubs!......Mommy's it does taste great with a little vino!! 

Sunday 11 December 2011

Fruity Oats

Mommy can eat this too with a cup of coffee 

Breakfast always seems to be a bit of a bore when it comes to little hands and little tummies.  As much as I would love to lay out a buffet breakfast spread for LittleRaf, my the brtain, and heavy eyelids do not seem to agree.  So what to make these little darlings that doesn't come out of a box?

I remember as a young child , before leaving for school, mum would make a big pot of oats with sliced banana and cold milk poured on top.  These were not the ready made oats, they were raw rolled oats, cooked traditionally in a pot with water and gradually adding milk.  I thought this would take up alot of time, but it really didn't.
Before ripping open that Oats- so -easy packet, give it a second thought, BUY NATURAL,UNPROCESSED, UNBLEACHED FOOD.  Organic oats are not expensive to buy.

What you will need:

Some raw oats
Some blueberries
1 banana
1 apple
Some milk
Touch of cinnamon.

1.Slowly take the oats with some water to the boil.
2. Once boiling point has been reached, slowly start to add milk and lower heat.
3. Gradually keep adding milk if liquid in the oats is drying  up. (YOU CAN ADD MORE WATER THAN MILK)
4. Add the blueberries and allow oats to slowly cook. (Tip: I freeze fresh blueberries and throw these in frozen when i need them)
5. Mash the banana with a fork and incorporate it into the pot of oats.
6. Add milk/water for a smoother texture.  
7. Grate the apple and add to the oats, stir it all through.
8. Allow oats to cool, then serve.


Enjoy your brekkie, mommies & babies!

Thursday 8 December 2011

LittleJ's Firery Red Sauce

Age appropriate : 5mnths +

pasta sauce
spread for bread
dip with cucumber fingers

You may ask what's is a firery red sauce? Well this one had capsicum, pumpkin and shallots.  LittleJG's mommy loved LittleRaf's lunch of couscous and red sauce so much, I think littleJG will have some pretty soon. And just because our little friend LittleJG is a firery little man, I can this then:

LittleJ's Firery Red Sauce

What you will need:

1 Red Capsicum (Red Pepper depending where you live)
1/8 of a pumpkin
A handful of shallots chopped(spring onion)
1 tbsp of olive oil
Some mixed herbs (fresh)

  1. Heat oil in the pan, add shallots followed by the pepper cut in pieces.
  2. Add the pumpkin and allow all the veggies to seal before adding boiling hot water.
  3. Add the water, enough to cover the veggies and allow to boil for about 30mins or until cooked.
  4. Place in food processor or puree contents of the pot and place back on stove on low heat to allow the sauce to reduced.
  5. Once it has thickened it is ready.
Today littlRaf had this with some couscous today for lunch.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

mummy its so yummy: Raf Rustic Fish Fingers

mummy its so yummy: Raf Rustic Fish Fingers: Age Appropriate: 7mths + I have these vivid memories of my aunt blowing up like a marshmallow one afternoon, after having eaten a read...

Raf Rustic Fish Fingers

Age Appropriate: 7mths +

I have these vivid memories of my aunt blowing up like a marshmallow one afternoon, after having eaten a ready made fish finger! It was a scary experience and could have happened to anyone, after all that same packet of fish fingers had fed 2 other toddlers the same afternoon.  What she had was iodine poisoning, a very very scary experience and to see how an adult could barely walk let alone breath, made me think twice about eating fish fingers ever again.
I see my aunt struggling to breath every time I see a packet of fish fingers, so why would I feed my son scraps of fish instead of fresh fish ?

What you will need:

Small piece white fish(no bones)- I used Perch.
1 egg 
Some whole meal flour
Some bread crumbs
Touch of paprika

  1. Cut the fish into strips and sprinkle with flour.
  2. Whisk the egg, add the paprika to the egg.
  3. Dip the fish in the egg then pass it through the bread crumbs, making sure it is well coated.
  4. Place in a heated oven at 180 deg for about 15mins on a greased tray. ( you may have to turn them over).
  5. Allow to cool and serve with steamed veggies.

Monday 5 December 2011

LittleRaf's Shepards Pie

Age appropriate : 5mnths +
with chicken....

I may have eaten mince meat before littleRaf came along, I sometimes still do, however when it comes to him I tried to avoid it at all costs.  I recommend that if you can take and extra 10mins out of your time, you should to.  Minced meat is made up of off-cuts of meat, together with alot of fat etc, it is so much easier to take a fresh cut of meat, put it into a blender/chopper and guess what you have minced meat.  At least in this case you know what is in it and the amount of fat that went into it too.

This week I didnt have any beef to make this shepards pie so we made it with chicken, I had never made this before, but boy oh boy it was delicious.  Mommy might have had some too for lunch, we didn't tell Dad, he would be very upset cause Shepard pie is his favorite too!  After yesterdays lunch time adventure I think its littleRafs favorite too!

What you will need:

2 medium sized potatoes.
1/2 chicken breast(skinless)
1 chicken thigh(skinless)
1 carrot
1 tomatoes
Some Fresh herbs ( used: marjoram)
1 tbsp of olive oil
2tbsp of passata - tomatoe juice
touch of black pepper
1 clove of garlic
1 handful of baby spinach
Some butter ( use margarine)
Some milk ( can use soy)


  1. Place potatoes in a pot with water and cook.
  2. In the meantime chop carrot and tomatoe  and chicken and place in blender/food processor together with herbs and mince it all up.
  3. Drain the potatoes once cooked, mash as you would for mash potato, adding butter and milk for a smooth an creamy consistency. I used about 50 ml of milk and about 2cmx 2cm block of butter. Add a touch of white pepper and out it aside.
  4. In a pan place olive oil and heat, add clove of garlic finely chopped, then add mince.  I HAVE USED ONLY HALF OF THIS MINCE FOR 3 SERVINGS, I HAVE FROZEN THE REST OF THE MINCE FOR ANOTHER MEAL.
  5. Add mince to pan , and mix around in the pan without letting it stick to the pan, once it is almost cooked add passata to add a bit more moisture and flavor to the mince.
  6. Remove the mince from the pan, add a handful of baby spinach and allow it to wilt in the pan, remove and chop finely.( You can add some water to assist with the wilting ).
  7. Start by adding the chicken mince at the bottom of the ramekin, then a layer of spinach topped with a layer of mash potato.
  8. Place ramekin in oven at 180deg for about 30min or until golden brown on top.

These ramekins come in handy, as they are made of glass. They are freezer safe, as well as oven safe.  Pyrex makes them.  There are other alternatives like  foil pie dishes (small). 

Happy cooking! but most of all enjoy the time with your little ones today!